Monday, August 27, 2018

Saint Gauden National Historical Site

ISO 20  1/1600 of a sec f/ 1.8 Panoramic shot 
of the 130+ year old Honey Locus that greets you at the front entrance of the home

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Visiting Cousins in Oswegatchie New York

ISO 1600 1/125th of a second shutter : f/4 180mm Manual Focus Lens hand held 

ISO 3200  1/1600th second f/6.3 118mm lens hand held 

ISO 3200  1/2000th second  f/6.3 118mm lens hand held 


ISO 3200  1/1600th second  f/6.3 110mm lens hand held

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Inside the Hedge

Saint Gaudens National Historical Site
Cornish, New Hampshire

I have a cousin visiting from England, and  today we traveled up to the Saint Gaudens National Historical Site.  While walking around the grounds I noticed an area of the hedges that you could peer into.  I was able to shoot under the canopy and capture this great twist of branches.